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10 rules for the correct sale of entrance and interior doors

This article is useful primarily for those who have a traditional business of entrance and interior doors. The person who came to the salon to pick up the doors, in 80% of cases does not know which doors he wants. The task of the seller is to find out where the door leaf is bought (house or apartment), in which rooms, what style does the buyer prefer? Last of all, how much money is the buyer willing to pay for one canvas?
как правильно продавать входные двери

What are the customers in the stores that sell doors?

Customers of "dunno""

As statistics show, only 15% of buyers buy immediately, without hesitation and without listening to the recommendations of the seller. The conceit of such people is great and the point of view is correct, they know a lot about everything. Selling them doors, you only need to place an order. Next comes the category of buyers "dunno" (there are many of them), such people do not understand much about doors and they need your help, if you give them the right recommendations, they are happy in their choice and in the future advise the salon to relatives, friends and friends of friends.

 как правильно продавать двери межкомнатные

Customer " grumbler"

Still come across grumblers and inadequate. Grumblers are dissatisfied, they express dissatisfaction about this (the price is not clear or not such a font, or expensive-cheap, there is a strange smell of wood in the cabin, and much more). Grumblers require a separate approach, these people are devoid of attention and you need to win such people over-it is sometimes to ask questions and agree, and most importantly to listen. I can assure you, you will get a loyal customer. Just like "dunno", he advises you to everyone he knows.

как продавать двери

Customer "inadequate"

The category – inadequate completes the list. Such people are extremely rare, but if they meet, they are remembered for sure. These people are rude and noisy, often shouting obscenities. It's hard to work with such people, but it's possible. As practice shows, these people are irritated by external factors, at the time of arrival in the salon. With such people, behave calmly and confidently, try to get in touch with them, they usually ask themselves what's what. If you manage to win such a client, count on the commission. Such customers make expensive purchases.

как улучшить продажи в салоне дверей

Rules for the sale of interior doors

Now let's look at the algorithms of sales of entrance and interior doors:

1. We meet the client standing up and with a smile (this is good).
2. With a gesture of the hand, we invite the buyer to go to the hall, get acquainted with the product.
3. Keep a distance of 1.5-3 meters.
4. To start a dialogue with the buyer, we do not speak loudly, but so that he can hear, we characterize the door (which he paid attention to, not much, a couple of phrases).
5. Find out where the buyer chooses the door (house or apartment).
6. From memory, we ask the client to describe the interior, where the door is bought.
7. We ask what kind of doors he wants, with or without glass, with veneer or laminated. We identify the buyer's priorities.
8. Comparing the above, we select 2, maximum 3 canvases for the client.
9. We bring the client to the door that meets the requirements and ask, do you like it?
10. If the answer is yes, connect eloquence and give a full description of this canvas.

Thus, we help the buyer to choose an objective option for him, without expressing personal opinions and preferences. The customer, in addition to the purchase, is also happy with the choice of elegance and taste made.

Pub date: 2021.06.01