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Classification of interior doors, part 1.

Interior doors are divided by purpose, design, method of manufacture, number of canvases, directions and methods of opening, the presence of glazing, moisture resistance. This may seem difficult at first glance, but anyone can understand the types of doors and their advantages. And knowing the main types of doors will help you a lot when buying. We would like to help you with this. 
Appointment. By purpose, interior doors are divided into, in fact, ordinary interior doors and plumbing doors. Sanitary doors are installed in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens and have a number of specific properties, the main of which is increased resistance to moisture. 

Form. The shape of the door is divided into rectangular and arched. Sometimes there are also so-called "false arches" in rectangular doors. Often, a comfortable mezzanine with doors that match the design of the doors is installed above the door. 

The number of canvases. Interior doors are single (single-leaf), single (made up of one whole and one half of the canvas and, in fact, are a type of double leaf doors, with the only difference that the size of the door panels they are not the same) and double door (consist, as you probably already guessed, of the two, the same size, door panels). The required number of canvases are used according to the need for a specific interior. 

Filling in the doorway. The doorway can be filled to varying degrees, depending on what you require. Doors can be either completely blind (without glass), smooth (with opaque rectangular or figured inserts), or glazed. Glazed doors look very nice and can also have a different degree of glazing (from a small window) to glass filling almost the entire door leaf. However, when choosing doors with a high degree of glazing, it is worth considering that if there are small children in your house, such doors can become dangerous. Broken glass can cause serious injuries. Therefore, if you still decide to choose glazed doors, try to buy doors with safe glass (tempered or very thick, which is difficult to break).

Sizes. In the production of doors, there are certain standardized dimensions that may vary from country to country. For example, the European standard sizes "on the canvas" are as follows: 600 - 700 - 800 - 900 mm in width and 2100 mm in height. In Russia, the standard door height is 2000 mm.

Next article: Classification of interior doors, part 2.

Pub date: 2021.05.31