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Interior door finishing: appearance

Experts call the front door the face of the house, and they do it not by chance: the door is in front of the eyes of guests, and you yourself constantly see it, returning home, or leaving the apartment. Every person secretly or explicitly wants his door to be beautiful and cause positive emotions, not irritation.

At the request of the client, manufacturers are also guided: interior doors are created not just reliable, but also beautiful, focusing on the aesthetic needs of the consumer. Finishing options can be very different, and therefore it is worth understanding all this abundance.

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Finishes, interior door finishing with your own hands

The cheapest option is a regular film or paint job: these solutions allow you to copy the texture of the tree. This is not a very common option today, which is usually possible to see on the doors of artisanal production, the aesthetic qualities of which are generally far from ideal.  The practicality of this solution is also not high. The film quickly begins to crack and peel off the metal, the paint peels off, and the same thing happens to it. If you consider the old steel doors installed in the 90s, you can clearly see the entire result of the operation of such products. All the gloss such things lose quickly, and then acquire a frightening appearance. If a person has at least minimal aesthetic requirements for doors, you should not use such a solution.

Another old solution that has been relevant since the 90s is a door upholstered in artificial leather, or strips of plastic, hardboard with a thickness of less than 4 mm – these categories are also considered artisanal today. This is an extremely impractical door that does not have a significant service life. All the listed door options are ordered from "folk craftsmen" and created somewhere in the garage, without proper quality control. The result is quite appropriate, it is impossible to recommend such products. It is much more reasonable to buy a door from a serious manufacturer that monitors the quality and uses modern technologies and equipment in its work.

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Powder-polymer coating is considered the best approach today, it pleases with practicality and reliability. The powder is applied in furnaces, under the influence of high temperatures, and the result is not only elegant, but also resistant to external negative influences. The powder-polymer coating retains its high quality in an open environment, under temperature changes, in humid environments, and even after years, the result remains excellent. But if you put such a door on the street, it is better to do it at least under the visor. This technology has its drawbacks, among them-its typicality, a huge color variety is not found here. Although many people find this a plus-you do not need to attract a lot of extra attention to the apartment. In a situation where the practical side of using this coating suits, but you want more aesthetics, you can look for a door with a three-dimensional pattern on the canvas. Choosing the right pattern, you will save the door from unnecessary rigor and banality.

An even more aesthetic solution involves the choice of a steel door with an MDF finish. You can choose any drawings and colors, while getting sound insulation and thermal insulation of an increased level. The greater the thickness of the protective panel, the higher the result will be. But such doors should not be placed on the threshold of the house, on the border with the street.

Doors with natural wood trim deserve special attention, they look like a real masterpiece. This is a beautiful and durable solution, but the cost of such a door is quite high.  

Pub date: 2021.06.01