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About interior doors - articles and useful information

Installation of an interior door and its nuances

Performing the installation of the door in a professional way becomes a guarantee of its long operation, even if we are talking about cheap doors. Unprofessional execution of such works usually brings the main problems that require a radical solution and even replacement. Every buyer should know about how the...

Polypropylene in interior door coverings

Polypropylene is a water – resistant polymer with attractive properties that make it an excellent choice when creating door coverings. Under conditions of constant contact with water for six months at room temperature, the water absorption of the material will be 0.5 percent, and at 60 degrees under the same conditions,...

Interior door finishing: appearance

Experts call the front door the face of the house, and they do it not by chance: the door is in front of the eyes of guests, and you yourself constantly see it, returning home, or leaving the apartment. Every person secretly or explicitly wants his door to be beautiful...

Accessories for interior doors. Selection of handles and locks.

Today, interior doors perform not only their direct function, but also are an expression of the status and taste of the owner. Therefore, when choosing an interior door, it is very important to pay attention to all the details: the material from which it is made, quality, design, accessories. What...

Accessories for interior doors.

Accessories for interior doors Door hardware is not limited to handles and locks. In addition to these two important items, hinges are also installed on the door (no door can do without them!), seals and, sometimes, glass. These elements of interior doors are subject to the same requirements as for door...

Types of interior doors.

Having started repairs in an apartment, in the country or in the office, or having purchased a new house, a person will sooner or later face the question of choosing interior doors for the room. The modern market is full of a variety of choices and amazes the imagination. How...

Choice of interior doors.

When choosing interior doors, you need to consider many factors. for example, these: • The color scheme and type of doors should be in harmony with the color scheme and the overall style of the room design. Be what is called "to the place" in the room where they will be...

Doors laminate flooring is there a future?

Today, laminated doors are becoming more and more popular with consumers. This was also noticed by the door manufacturers. Even the Italians, who are considered the trendsetters of door fashion around the world, are beginning to add laminate doors to their collections. Of course, veneer is a tradition that many people...

Interior PVC doors

For people who have decided to update their home or office, one of the very important steps is to choose the type of interior doors. The choice should be approached very carefully, because it is not only a functional element of the room. It is very important that the interior...

Interior doors made of veneer. Advantages and characteristics.

First of all, it is important to note that natural, environmentally friendly materials are used in the production of interior doors made of veneer. Made on the basis of a wooden frame, interior doors are then glued with natural veneer 1-2 mm thick from different types of wood: mahogany, beech,...